We’ve all been there: you’re sitting beside your partner on the couch, watching TV or playing video games, when suddenly you feel yourself start to get sleepy. You can’t help it; they make you feel so safe and protected that all of your worries just melt away into a comfortable haze. But why do you get sleepy around someone you love? Is it just because cuddling and snuggling makes us tired? Or does science have something to do with it?
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The hormone oxytocin is what causes this feeling
Why do you get sleepy around someone you love? When we fall in love with someone, our brain releases certain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that make us feel happy and relaxed. The hormone oxytocin is released when you are around someone you love. Oxytocin makes us feel warm and fuzzy toward others, which is why we tend to yawn more often around people we care about.
The reason you feel sleepy around a loved one is because of the hormone oxytocin. As mentioned above, this is a hormone released by your body when you’re in close proximity to someone you love. It causes feelings of happiness and relaxation—and it’s also released when you’re breastfeeding.
In general, oxytocin has been shown to have many positive effects on the body: it helps reduce pain and stress, increases trust and empathy for others, encourages social bonding between people (like parent-child or romantic relationships), regulates female reproductive processes like menstrual cycles…the list goes on! This is the number one the reason why you feel so sleepy around your boyfriend or your girlfriend!
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You feel sleepy because they make you happy
You feel sleepy because they make you happy. Happiness is a natural response to oxytocin, which is associated with feelings of safety and comfort. Oxytocin is also released when we feel loved and cared for, so it’s no surprise that when we are in the presence of someone we love, our bodies release this chemical in its purest form: happiness! This can explain why we often feel sleepy when we are around our loved ones.
You feel sleepy because they give you a feeling of safety
One possible explanation is that you feel sleepy because they give you a feeling of safety.
As humans, we naturally respond to the presence of those we love with a sense of safety and well-being. This is one reason why people tend to feel more comfortable and relaxed around their partners or close family members: they know that in such situations, they won’t be judged or criticized, which can make it easier to let down their guard and rest comfortably.
You feel sleepy because you’re comfortable around them
We’re all familiar with the feeling of being so comfortable around someone that we can barely keep our eyes open. Sleepiness is one of the primary symptoms of oxytocin production, and it’s also a natural response to feeling safe and secure. This means that when you’re with your loved one, your body produces more oxytocin than usual—and this causes sleepiness to set in.
Being around someone you love makes you sleepy because it triggers your body’s natural processes for producing oxytocin, which leads to drowsiness (and often cuddling).
Your heart rate and breathing are synced up
When you’re in love, your heart rate and breathing are synced up. Some scientists believe that this is because the two processes are linked to each other. Your breathing can affect your heart rate (and vice versa), so when you breathe slower or faster, it affects how fast your heart beats and vice versa.
“It’s called respiratory sinus arrhythmia,” says Dr. Michael Smith at the Mayo Clinic. “When we’re stressed or anxious, our bodies produce more adrenaline than usual.” That extra adrenaline makes it harder for us to breathe deeply—so even though we may want to be calm by slowing down our breath, we can’t because of all that extra adrenaline coursing through our veins! The result? Our bodies will be less likely to respond well when they need rest; in fact, they’ll be much more inclined towards wanting action instead.”
The more comfortable you are, the more oxytocin you produce, and the sleepier you become
When you feel safe, your brain releases oxytocin, a hormone produced by the hypothalamus that makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. When your body releases this hormone, it tells your brain to slow down its metabolism because it’s safe to go into a state of relaxation. Oxytocin also plays an important role in bonding between individuals—it’s what causes mothers to bond with their children and why people fall in love (or lust). So when someone is close enough to make you feel comfortable and relaxed enough for oxytocin production, it’s only natural for you to become sleepy as well!
You’re just high on love
Your brain reacts to love chemically, the same way it does to drugs or food. So if you’re cuddling with your partner on the couch and starting to yawn, it’s perfectly normal — you’re just high on love.
Love is a drug, and it makes you sleepy. If you’ve ever been in love with someone, you know that the feeling of being around them can make you feel happy, safe, secure and comfortable. You might also notice that your eyelids are heavy and your thoughts are foggy — all because love has hit your brain like a ton of bricks.
The release of certain neurotransmitters plays into this effect: when we’re around someone we care about (or someone who cares about us), our brain releases oxytocin which causes us to feel warm and fuzzy. This chemical surge is often accompanied by other familiar feelings associated with romance: affectionate touchy-feely behavior (like cuddling or holding hands) or heart fluttering when they walk into the room — but if those feelings aren’t there yet, don’t be afraid! Every relationship takes time; just enjoy the ride as things progress naturally over time.
The warm fuzzy feeling you get when you’re around your partner is actually science at work
When you’re around the person you love, you can’t help but feel a rush of warmth and happiness. But there’s actually science at work here.
That warm fuzzy feeling is actually your body’s way of making sure it gets enough sleep—and it all has to do with the hormone oxytocin. “When we are around people who make us feel safe, secure and happy, our bodies release more oxytocin,” says Dr. Amie Harwick, Ph.D., an assistant professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine. And that makes us sleepy!
So what does this mean for your relationship? Well, if your partner makes you feel like this all the time then maybe they’re on to something (and so is science).
The hormone oxytocin is what causes this feeling
The reason you feel sleepy around a loved one is because of the hormone oxytocin. As mentioned above, this is a hormone released by your body when you’re in close proximity to someone you love. It causes feelings of happiness and relaxation—and it’s also released when you’re breastfeeding.
In general, oxytocin has been shown to have many positive effects on the body: it helps reduce pain and stress, increases trust and empathy for others, encourages social bonding between people (like parent-child or romantic relationships), regulates female reproductive processes like menstrual cycles…the list goes on!
Safety Hormone
The hormone oxytocin plays a big role in the feeling of safety. When you feel safe, your body releases this chemical and makes you happy. It also causes drowsiness because it’s released when you’re in a loving relationship—which can happen when you are around someone who makes you feel safe and secure.
So if your partner looks at you with those beautiful eyes, or cuddles up close on the couch for a movie night, this may be why it’s hard to stay awake! It’s just science at work here (and no one is complaining).
If being close to your partner makes you sleepy, that’s because there are hormones at play that are making you feel physically and emotionally safe.
It’s a feeling we’ve all experienced: when you’re around someone who makes you feel safe and happy, it’s as if your body knows that everything is right in the world. And your body responds accordingly.
This phenomenon has been linked to the hormone oxytocin, which is released during moments of trust and closeness between two people. It also happens to be responsible for feelings of love, arousal and attachment—all feelings connected with being physically close to a loved one. When oxytocin builds up in our bodies (usually from hugging or kissing), we become relaxed and sleepy—just as we might do after being held by someone we love for an extended period of time!
As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why a person feel sleepy around their boyfriend or girlfriend. While some people do get sleepy because they’re tired or stressed out, most of us just love the people we’re with and want to be near them as much as possible. If you feel like your partner is putting you to sleep too often, then maybe it isn’t such a bad thing!
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