Fitness Blog Posts

How To Define Your Fitness Path

what does pr mean in fitness


Hey there! Welcome to the world of fitness. I’m so glad you’re here. You’re about to embark on a lifelong journey that will transform your body, mind, and spirit for the better. And no matter what your fitness goals are, I want you to know that you can do this. But first things first: What does it mean to be fit? And what does it mean to be not-so-fit? That’s where we’ll start today…There are so many ways to get fit. You can run, lift weights, do yoga or go for a long walk on the beach. But no matter what your fitness path is, there’s one thing that’s important: It should be a path that fits you.

your fitness path

Also read: Adventure Planning 101: How To Plan An Adventure.

Everyone is different and has a different fitness path.

Everyone has a different fitness journey and a different set of goals. It’s important to realize that your fitness path is not going to be exactly like someone else’s, even when you follow the same program. You should find a fitness path that fits your needs. A lot of people think that if they just take certain workouts and do them for the same amount of time as someone else, their bodies will look or perform similarly. This could not be further from the truth—everyone is unique in their body composition and how their muscles respond to exercise stimuli.

your fitness path

Also read: 16 Glow-Up Tips For Gaining Confidence.

For example, let’s say you want to lose weight by doing 30 minutes of cardio followed by 30 minutes of strength training every day. You find a workout plan online and start following it religiously (with reasonable rest days). But after four weeks, your waist size hasn’t changed at all! What gives? Maybe it’s because everyone’s body responds differently to exercise stimuli—your metabolism might be slower than others. Or maybe it’s because your diet isn’t satisfying enough yet; eating 1400 calories per day shouldn’t leave anyone feeling hungry! It could also have something to do with what type of cardio activity you’re doing: maybe running doesn’t work well for your knees but swimming does; perhaps cycling would be better suited than running; maybe walking would suit best over all three forms of exercise listed above… It could even mean that there are other factors at play: if one person eats six meals per day while another only eats three meals per day then obviously this will affect results differently based on caloric intake alone (and thus caloric expenditure).

Finding your fitness path is a journey. It’s not an easy one, but it’s worth the effort because you’ll get to know yourself better and live a healthier life. You only need to find a fitness path that fits you.

your fitness path

Set SMART goals

In order to set SMART goals, you must first define what a goal looks like. A goal is something that you want to achieve and makes you feel motivated enough to do something about it. Let’s say your goal is to lose weight. This can be an example of a fitness goal but it’s not very specific or measurable because there are many ways in which one can measure their physical wellness and weight loss. For example:

“I want to lose 10 pounds by March 1st.”

This statement is not very measurable because there isn’t really any way for someone else outside of yourself, like a doctor or friend who knows nothing about the situation, would have no idea how much weight was lost by looking at someone else’s body composition or scale reading without having some sort of clue beforehand (which means this person wouldn’t even know if they’ve achieved their own personal goals). It also doesn’t offer much time-bound motivation either because once March 1st comes around then what happens next? Does someone just stop working out? That seems unlikely especially since losing weight requires discipline and consistency over time rather than just “overnight success” type situations where people spontaneously shed pounds after eating certain foods or taking certain supplements (although those things do work sometimes). So instead let’s modify our original statement.

your fitness path

Start a daily habit

The first step to any fitness routine is finding something that works for you. Start small, and make it a habit!

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Set aside time every day (and keep it consistent). There’s no need to overthink this part; just pick a time that works best for you, stick with it, and start building on that foundation.
  • Find exercises or activities that match your schedule and personality. Don’t worry about getting everything perfect right off the bat; just find something fun and easy enough so that even if life gets busy or hectic, you’ll still be able to fit some movement into your day. If running long distances isn’t going to work out for you because of scheduling issues but playing tennis sounds like fun—do that! Or maybe yoga classes sound great because they’re relaxing but skating is more exciting—go skateboarding instead! You’ll figure out what works best once those habits kick in anyway (but don’t worry too much about having everything figured out before starting).
your fitness path

Customizing your fitness path that fits your needs.

One of the most important aspects of fitness is customizing a path that fits your needs. You can choose to do all of these things or just one, but it’s important to pick something and commit to it.

  • Walk for half an hour everyday
  • Do 10 push-ups every time you think about them
  • Spend 10 minutes meditating each day
your fitness path

Discover your strengths (and don’t sweat your weaknesses)

When you know your strengths, you can better focus on them. If you’re not a fan of running, don’t worry about it! You don’t have to be good at everything and there’s no need to compare yourself to others. When you find something that doesn’t come naturally for you, just keep working at it until it does. You’ll get there eventually!

If running still doesn’t work out for me—and there are plenty of other ways to exercise (like weightlifting) I’m excited about—I certainly won’t give up on exercising altogether because of this one minor setback (or injury). If nothing else comes natural for me during my fitness journey, at least I’ve learned that I have the power within myself to overcome whatever challenges may arise along the way.

Be realistic when making your fitness path

“It’s important to be realistic when making fitness goals, especially if you are just beginning your fitness journey. Setting unrealistic expectations will only end in disappointment and frustration, which is not the way to feel after working out!

For example, if you want to lose 25 pounds within three months by doing an intense workout program 6 days a week at the gym before work, then that goal may not be realistic for your current lifestyle. A more reasonable goal would be losing 5 pounds within 3 months by walking one hour per day at lunchtime while listening to podcasts or audiobooks. By setting more manageable goals that allow room for change as life happens (and taking breaks from time-consuming workouts), you are less likely to become discouraged and give up on your fitness plan altogether, you should make a fitness path that fits you.

a path that fits

Create realistic progress markers

To begin, you will need to decide on what sort of goals you want to set. The first thing to consider is that a goal should be achievable and realistic. For example, if you are planning on getting in shape for the summer by going from zero fitness to looking like Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool 2 within the next few months, this isn’t quite realistic because it is a very sudden transformation!

Instead, think about things that would make progress towards your fitness journey: maybe aim for running for five minutes straight? Or doing 15 pushups? These are realistic goals which will allow you to celebrate as each milestone is reached.

You will also need to think about how long it might take until they can be achieved. You may want them now but realistically this may not be possible unless there’s some significant lifestyle changes or new equipment purchased (such as weights).

Find an accountability partner or coach

It is important that you find someone who is in a similar situation to you, someone who has similar goals and ambitions. Finding someone who is going to be supportive of your goals and ambitions, but also honest with you about where they think your fitness level needs improvement.

You want to find an accountability partner or coach that will keep you on track and push you beyond what you think is possible for yourself.

a path that fits

Celebrate your wins (no matter how small)

Once you’ve set your goals, the next step is to celebrate your wins (no matter how small). Celebrate any progress you make, no matter how small. It’s important to celebrate every bit of progress because it helps keep momentum going and gives you motivation to keep going. As an example, if I only do one pushup every day then that’s still something! The more often we recognize our successes, the more likely it is that we’ll continue making them in the future.

your fitness path

Fitness is not a one-size-fits-all field.

First, it’s important to recognize that exercise and nutrition are individualized. Even if you’ve been working out with the same routine for years, you should never assume that what works for you will work for everyone else. The only way to truly understand how your body works is to experiment with different types of workouts and diets until you find what makes YOU feel better!

However, this isn’t as easy as it sounds… because when we start doing something new (like taking up a new workout), we often want to compare ourselves to those around us instead of focusing on ourselves and our own goals. This can be especially difficult if your friend or partner has been struggling with losing weight or gaining muscle mass; they may have given up one day because they didn’t see results fast enough—and now every time they talk about their diet plans with friends who haven’t tried them yet they’re quick to point out why THEY’RE RIGHT: “You HAVE TO stick WITH IT,” “It’s hard BUT worth it,” “I did THIS AND THAT FOR THREE MONTHS AND I LOST 10 POUNDS.” These types of conversations can make starting something new seem like an impossible task because someone else’s experience has become your own expectation!

If this sounds like something YOU might have experienced before (or might still be experiencing), please know that these feelings aren’t wrong—you CAN learn from other people’s experiences without letting them define YOUR own path forward too closely!

a path that fits

There isn’t one right path toward fitness. There’s the one that works for you.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that there isn’t a right way or a wrong way to get fit.

When I started out in fitness, I was concerned with what other people were doing and whether they thought I was doing it right. But ultimately what you do isn’t as important as how much effort you put into it and how good your results are (and if anything, those should be your focus rather than thinking about what others think). Achieving your personal best is the goal—not getting validation from anyone else.

You can make your fitness path you want.

You can make the fitness path you want. You just have to be realistic, patient, and consistent in your workouts. You also need to be honest with yourself about what you can do, kind to yourself when things don’t go right, and encourage others when they’re on their own journey.

what does pr mean in fitness

What does PR mean in fitness?

If you’re a fitness buff, you might have come across the acronym PR. It stands for personal record and it’s used in the context of tracking your progress in regards to your fitness. A PR is a way to measure your fitness goals, accomplishments, and overall health.

A PR can be anything from an increase in weight lifted over time or a decrease in time spent on an activity (such as running). For example, if you started out lifting 35 pounds but then increased that weight by five pounds after two months of consistent training then this would be considered your new personal best. And if after six months you were able to lift 50 pounds instead of 45 then this would also be considered another achievement worth celebrating because it shows how much improvement was made over time.

The lesson here is that no matter what kind of goal you have set out for yourself (whether it’s losing weight or getting stronger) having something like a PR will help keep track of how far along you’ve come so far towards achieving those goals!

what does pr mean in fitness


Your fitness path is a journey and you should find one that fits you. You can’t learn everything in one day, or even one year. But if you keep your eyes open and are willing to try new things, you’ll find the path that works for you. It may take years before you’re at your ideal fitness level and lifestyle, but that’s okay! There’s no rush – just keep on keeping on until it feels right for you.

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