modern health risks for short


If you’ve ever experienced feeling groggy, foggy, and unfocused after not getting enough sleep, you know how important it is to get the appropriate amount of shut-eye. But when we don’t sleep well on a regular basis—when we fight with our partners or stress about bills or can’t turn off Netflix—what do those sleepless nights really do to our minds and bodies? It is a modern health risks for a short period of time. Here’s what science has to say about the effects of insomnia:

1. Insomnia can make you feel exhausted, cranky, and fatigued.

  • Insomnia can cause fatigue. The lack of sleep may leave you feeling drained and irritable all day long, which will make it difficult to do anything productive.
  • Insomnia can cause irritability. If you’re tired and cranky because of insomnia, it’s easy to get angry over trivial things like missing the bus or having a bad day at work. This is especially true if your partner has trouble sleeping as well since they will be more likely to ask for help and comfort every time they wake up in the middle of the night—and this can lead to frustration on both sides!
  • Insomnia can cause moodiness or depression in some people, while others may feel more anxious than usual due to their lack of restful sleep.* Lack of sleep also affects one’s mental state: those who suffer from insomnia are more prone than non-sufferers (or those who enjoy soundly sleeping) towards depression and anxiety disorders such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). These negative emotions are then reflected back onto loved ones who interact with them daily—creating an endless cycle that only ends when someone finally decides enough is enough!

2. It can make your brain fuzzy.

Insomnia can have a serious impact on your brain. When you’re tired and groggy, it’s hard to concentrate or focus on anything. Because of this, people with insomnia often feel irritable and forgetful. In addition to the negative effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive function, those with insomnia are at an increased risk for developing depression or anxiety disorders (and vice versa).

In addition to making you tired during the day, insomnia can also make it harder for you to fall asleep at night—so even if you did manage to get enough sleep one night, that doesn’t mean that your body has had enough time to recover from the effects of insomnia before bedtime rolls around again!

There are many different causes of sleeplessness. Some common ones include:

3. Insomnia weakens the immune system.

Did you know that sleep deprivation can weaken your immune system?

That’s right—lack of sleep actually makes you more susceptible to illness. It is estimated that for every hour of sleep lost, our body’s ability to fight off disease drops by 10%. This means that if you only get 3 or 4 hours of sleep per night, your immune system could be as much as 60% weaker than normal and be unable to defend itself against flu viruses, colds and other illnesses.

Sleep deprivation also changes the balance between stress hormone levels and inflammation in your body. Sleep helps regulate these hormones so they don’t build up during the day and cause damage to cells in our bodies (like when we have a cold). But when we don’t get enough shut-eye at night, those hormones stay elevated throughout the day while our bodies are working hard trying not only fend off viruses but also just function normally!

insmonia symptoms

4. It puts you at higher risk for depression and anxiety.

As sleep deprivation increases, so does your risk of developing depression and anxiety. If you have an existing mental health condition like depression or anxiety, it can make it difficult for you to fall asleep at night, which in turn makes those conditions worse. This vicious cycle can lead to chronic insomnia, a modern health risks for short period.

People who suffer from short-term episodes of insomnia are at risk for other health issues such as heart attack, stroke, and diabetes because they’re not getting enough quality shut-eye each night. A lack of sleep also puts stress on the body’s immune system so that it’s unable to fight off infections as well as it could when fully rested.

If you feel like your lack of quality shuteye is taking a toll on your moods or overall health then talk with your doctor about treatment options today!

5. Insomnia increases the risk of chronic disease, diabetes, and heart disease.

It’s not just your brain that suffers when you don’t get enough sleep. Your body can suffer as well. In fact, it can be even more susceptible to disease and illness when you don’t get enough sleep.

Insomnia causes a lot of issues that increase the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease. People who have insomnia are more likely to have a high blood pressure than normal people who sleep normally do. Those with insomnia also have higher triglyceride levels in their blood than those without insomnia (triglycerides are fats that can build up in the bloodstream). This could indicate an increased risk for developing heart disease

Insomnia, our modern health risks for short period tends to cause people not only to feel tired but also be less active physically because they will probably feel too tired or unmotivated to go exercising after getting out of bed every day at 8 am after staying up until 2 am watching Netflix all night long while eating ice cream straight from the carton instead of going out on dates like they promised themselves they would do if only they could fall asleep soon enough each night so that they wouldn’t spend all their time awake thinking about how much work needs done before their boss comes back tomorrow morning so he doesn’t yell at them again about how he’s already paid them too much money already anyways so why do we keep paying people more than minimum wage?

6. It slows your reaction time, making accidents more likely to happen at work or while driving a vehicle.

Insomnia is not only a physical disorder. It can also be a psychological one, too. This means that insomnia can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety, which may be the result of your inability to get enough sleep. If you have ever been sleep deprived, then you know how cranky and irritable it makes you feel—and this goes for everyone around you too!

The effects of lack of sleep go further than just causing bad moods; lack of sleep can also make accidents more likely to happen at work or while driving a vehicle. When people are tired from lack of sleep, their reaction time slows down significantly. This could mean that an employee might fail to catch or notice something important during their work day or an accident could occur when someone is driving home from work late at night after being up for 20 hours straight due to insomnia

7. Sleep deprivation makes your body crave comfort foods and greasy food that’s high in fat and salt but low in nutritional value. Takeaway:  It’s important to get the sleep you need to stay healthy and happy.

  • You crave comfort foods and greasy food that’s high in fat and salt but low in nutritional value.
  • You become tired, cranky, and fuzzy-brained.
  • Sleep deprivation weakens the immune system.


Sleep is essential for maintaining good health, as well as happiness. If you’re struggling with insomnia, try to get yourself on a regular schedule and stick to it. This can help keep your body clock consistent so that when bedtime rolls around you’ll be ready to go. You may also want to consider getting more exercise or drinking less caffeine during the day if those factors are contributing factors in your lack of sleepiness at night.

Check out my article The Best Time to Drink Detox Organic Tea for Maximum Effectiveness.

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