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The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies Review

Book of Herbal Remedies

The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies

Since we live in a technologically advanced society and science has improved considerably, when we think about health and medicine, the usage of plants and herbs probably does not come to our mind as a first option. Despite this, for many centuries, there have been many cultures that have been studying and using these natural elements in order to get their full benefits of herbal remedies so that we achieve and maintain a healthier life. In the lost book of remedies review, we are going to analyze how wonderfully useful this herbal remedies encyclopedia is for a healthier life.

About the author of

The author of the book Nicole Apelian, who grew up in Massachusetts has been a lover of nature since she was a child and has dedicated her life to gain knowledge from it studying in areas like anthropology and biology. But one thing she stands out is her knowings on herbs and how to achieve benefits from them. Therefore, the book is a reflection of her passion and knowledge from natural resources.

His grandfather, Claude Davis had accumulated much information and knowledge about plants and herbal remedies that even used during World War II. So Davis’s work has been to transmit all this knowledge that is so essential for us to have and keep.

What’s inside of the Herbal Remedies Book?

is a compilation of around 300 pages where you’ll find more than 800 beneficial plants and remedies that provide a great amount of information about the plant’s capacities to cure, help and improve our bodies in order to have a healthier life. It is a sort of encyclopedia with a detailed explanation of the qualities of each herb. It talks about the different kinds of diseases, disorders and other problems that it can handle. It also comes with a simple yet beautiful design, along with big colorful pictures of the plants which make the book more attractive and easy to use.

Is it for beginners?

It is not surprising that some people who are not familiarized with the material and have just started in the world of herbal remedies to think that it might be hard to understand and get the most out of it. But the truth is that as we have seen in the review, we have been considering how easy and helpful it is due to its design and explanations.

Who Is it for?

Probably the main public of this book may be people who follow or want to follow a lifestyle based on herbal remedies. But its target is focused on serving as a source of natural medicine for everyone, You can search in it on occasions when you feel some sort of health issue involving not only common sicknesses like the flu or stomachache but also deeper problems. It is a resourceful tool that supplies tips for a healthier life.

Should you get it?

Whether you want to apply plants into your natural source of medicine or not. It is a valuable resource that would certainly be helpful if you ever need to use some herbal remedies to provide you with a healthier life free of pills and medication that can produce secondary effects. Think about the advantages and disadvantages of each way to care for your health.


In conclusion, as we have seen in the lost book of remedies review, the world of plants and the many benefits that we can obtain from them is no longer a mystery thanks to deep research on the subject along with the organized explanation of the same, provided by books like “”.

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